How to Find Your TFN (Tax File Number)

A Tax File Number (TFN) is a ten-digit number given to every taxpayer in Australia. When you start working for the first time, you will generally need to apply for a TFN. Your TFN is yours for life, whether you change jobs or move countries. A TFN is required for all of your tax papers as well as many other documents. There may be situations when you must provide your TFN but do not have it on hand. In this article, we’ll show you how to find out your tax file number if necessary.

Tfns for Businesses

To avoid massive confusion, the TFN of a company, partnership, or trust must be kept separate from that of its participants. This is because partnerships and businesses pay tax at a different rate than individuals. When it comes to business tax issues, you must use your own TFN if you are a single trader. Because sole traders are taxed at the individual rate, this is the case.

How to Find Your Tax File Number

Here are 5 options for locating your TFN if you ever have to move it.

Contact the ATO

The ATO is a wonderful start if you want to take the direct approach. The number 13 28 61 may be used from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, for an appointment with the ATO. Prepare either your ABN or some other form of identification.

Without an ABN, the ATO may demand you to provide proof of identification.

Check Your Documents

Finding your TFN is straightforward: simply look for the papers that state it. Your TFN will be found on papers such as:

  • Any letters you get from the ATO
  • Your income tax notice of assessment.
  • Any payment summary you received throughout your career, at any point in your working life
  • Your superannuation fund’s financial statements

Your employee’s payslips may also show your TFN, as well.


Fill out a form from the ATO to find out your TFN. Just keep in mind that the ATO will only accept genuine paperwork supplied to taxpayers, so you may need to get a hard copy of the form. If you need to do this, go to the ATO’s “online ordering” page and search for “TFN.”

Contact your agent as soon as possible.

If you’ve previously used a tax agent or an accountant, you may ask for their files.

Finding out your Tax File Number is not nearly as difficult as it appears. There are several alternatives, so pick the one that works best for you.

Log in to Your Mygov Account

The energy has established an internet platform on which you may connect to all of the government services you use. Medicare and Centrelink are just a couple of examples. In minutes, you can link your myGov account to the ATO and access your assessments, tax returns, and TFN.

Keeping your TFN on file

1. Keep it somewhere you’ll remember.

Keep your important documents in a location you’ll remember, just like how you’d store your keys. You should keep the same with your essential information. Choose a location in your house where you may put a document with your TFN on it. This should either be an extremely obvious or exceedingly unusual place. This way, you’ll be sure to recall it. One idea is to hang it on the fridge or near the front door in a cabinet.

2. Organize all of your papers in one location.

Keeping all of your essential paperwork in one location will help you stay organized. Keeping everything together, whether it’s a filing cabinet, home office, or computer file, will assist you in finding what you’re looking for quickly.

3. Make a note of it on your phone.

The most useful suggestion is to make a note of it on your phone. You shouldn’t have to worry about your information being leaked if you lose or steal your phone because it’s password protected. Most phones these days include features that allow you to jot down small notes, so this is something to consider. Furthermore, you might take a photo of your TFN and store it in your photo gallery for future reference. This is also an excellent idea since having your passport details on hand ensures that you never forget them.